Scientific Sessions

Track 1

Cell Biology and Molecular Biology

Track 2

Cellular Biochemistry and Pharmacology

Track 3

Cellular Metabolism Immunology

Track 4

CRISPR and Gene Editing

Track 5

Disease Modelling and Drug Discovery

Track 6

DNA and RNA Transcription

Track 7

Genetic and Genomics Engineering

Track 8

Mitochondrial Biology Energy Production

Track 9

Molecular Cell and Molecular Biotechnology

Track 10

Molecular Medicine, Genetics Biomarkers

Track 11


Track 12

Plant Molecular Biology

Track 13

Scaffolds and Tissue Regeneration

Track 14

Stem Cells

Track 15

Tissue Culture, Injury and Cell Therapy

Track 16

Transitional Medicine

Track 17

Cancer Cell Biology Cancer Cell Therapy

Track 18

Organoids and 3D Cell Culture Models

Track 19

Artificial Organ Transplantation

Track 20

Cell Death and Survival

Track 21

Cell Signaling and Regulation

Track 22

DNA Replication and Repair
